1st party data integrations

Your first-party data is more valuable than ever. With predictive AI, you can transform it into a growth engine. Tap into your data warehouses, CRM, commerce partners, measurement platforms, and more and accelerate your business growth with powerful AI based recommendations.

Supported data inputs

Pre-built connectors for seamless integrations

Get going with one-click integration

We aim to help you maximize your data potential to create powerful predictions and actions.

Your organization likely has a wealth of product and engagement data, such as sessions, surveys, transaction records, and marketing data like customer reviews and loyalty programs. Voyantis transforms these historical data points into predictive signals and actionable recommendations for real marketing and sales outcomes.

During Voyantis' onboarding process, we integrate with your data sources to regularly obtain raw data and process it to generate your growth strategy.

Connect the customer dots

Your CRM, measurement, and analytics partners are also valuable sources of data, helping Voyantis build high-impact predictions that inform both your acquisition and customer lifecycle management strategy.

One-time data set-up

We will get your predictions in a breeze with minimal effort from your team.

Step 1


Meet our team to provide an overview of your data scheme. Assign a contact person for questions.

Step 2


Prepare relevant tables to share with Voyantis. No need to make any major changes in your schema.

Step 3


Share read access credentials with the Voyantis team.

Step 4


We help you set up campaigns based on predictions and send these predictions to your ad network.

Less than 2 days

Typical Data / Engineering Team Integration Involvement

Taking action

User Acquisition

Run high-performing ad campaigns fueled with predictive signals on your advertising platform of choice.

Voyantis will send predictions to your ad network so their AI can learn and optimize your campaigns. Predictions are sent via ad network APIs such as Meta's CAPI and the Google Ads API.

Life cycle Management

Start streaming Voyantis predictive recommendations into your CRM and marketing hubs to boost conversions and outcomes at scale.

We determine the best offer or actions for each user or if they need one at all. Maximize user value with intent-based marketing and encourage repeat purchases.

Mobile growth

Grow effectively on all platforms. Your apps too.

Boost Mobile Growth with MMP

With increased privacy challenges, succeeding on mobile requires more effort. Our methodologies can help you effectively grow on mobile through integrations with your mobile measurement partner (MMP) of choice. We can send signals to your MMP to help you grow your app campaigns with your ad network partner.

Check out a case study